Fall on the Homestead

5 Things You Should Do In The Fall On The Homestead

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The seasons change and our routines on the homestead change with it. As summer winds down and we enter fall, or autumn as we call it in my part of the world, we can put in some time to reflect and plan. Fall on the homestead is by no means a rest period, but does give you some down time for some important tasks.

Here are 5 things you should do in the fall on the homestead that may help you get organized.

Additional Essential Homestead Resources
Medicinal Garden Kit - Grow medicine in your garden! A collection of seeds to get you started.
Homesteaders Handbook - A printed book that covers all the basics for homesteaders.
The Self-Sufficient Backyard - This book is an excellent resource for self-sufficiency on 1/4 acre!
Into The Wild Survival Pack - Learn foundational survival skills every homesteader should know!

Seed Harvesting

Fall on the homestead is a great time to harvest seed from the summer crop. Harvest seeds from summer plants that you have let go to seed specifically for this purpose. If you planted heirloom seeds that will grow true to type, this is a great way to boost your seed bank.

Stored seeds can remain viable from 2 to 5 years, depending how they are stored. This is also great way for cost saving and learning to homestead on a budget.

Harvest your seeds and dry them out well. Moisture is your enemy when it comes to storing seeds. It will cause mould to develop and render your stored seeds useless.

Seeds can be dried as simply as placing them on a paper towel on a baking tray in the sun.

Fall On The Homestead – Time To Reflect

Fall on the homestead is a great time to reflect on your successes and failures during the summer growing season. Look back over your notes in your gardening journal and see which of your methods were successful and which ones didn’t work so well.

For the ones that didn’t work out, think about how you could do them differently, or research alternative methods which may improve your success next season.

Plan and Plant Winter Crops

For those that live in temperate climate that do not have ice and snow in winter time, winter crops can be grown.
Use the time in fall to plan which winter crops you can grow in your area, prepare the beds and plant the seeds, before the cold of winter sets in. Getting the winter crop seedlings well established before the first frosts occur will improve their chances of survival.

Plan your frost protection methods for the various crop types you will be planting and get the material together.
For those that have very cold, icy winters, consider growing in greenhouses. A greenhouse need not be an expensive structure. It can be as simple as making a cover with pvc pipes and clear plastic sheeting to fit over your raised bed.

Plan Winter Maintenance projects

Take some time during the fall to plan maintenance projects for the winter time. The growing season is usually slower in winter and takes less of your time. This will allow time for new projects and maintenance tasks.

Fall is the ideal time to plan these projects and make sure you have the necessary material for these tasks on hand.
Winter is also a great time to upskill yourself and learn new skills. In autumn, do some research on courses or workshops you can attend to learn a new skill that will be useful to you on the homestead.

These tasks could include the following:

  • Repair fencing and livestock enclosures
  • Learn to weld
  • Build a greenhouse
  • Attend a blacksmithing course
  • Chop additional firewood for winter
  • Check your homestead and livestock enclosures are insulated and prepared for winter

Plan For Next Summer

It may seem a little early, but while your summer experiences are fresh n your mind, formulate a plan for the coming summer.

  • Plan ahead for any new or different methods you would like to employ.
  • Plan any new crops you want to plant and order the seeds now.
  • Start saving for any new tools or equipment you may need for the summer.

Although things may seem to quieten down heading towards winter, fall on the homestead can be a productive time none the less. But don’t forget to take time out to simply enjoy the beauty that the change in season brings. After all, homesteading and natural living means living in harmony with nature and enjoying every aspect of each different season!

Homestead Collaboration Post

This post has been created as a collaborative post with other homesteaders and natural living websites from around the world. All our posts will be on the topic of fall on the homestead.

I encourage you to visit the websites of the other participant bloggers and read their posts on the topic. You will find a great resource for ideas, recipes, and homesteading projects among other things.

Here is the list of the participants in the collaboration.

Annie @ 15 Acre Homestead
Julia @ Julias Daily Tips
Kristi @ The Stone Family Farmstead
Marla @ Organic 4 Green Livings
Candy @ Candys Farmhouse Pantry
Rosie @ A Green and Rosie Life
Valerie @ Living My Dream Life On The Farm
Chelsea @ The Green Acre Homestead
Shawna @ Home Grown Self Reliance
Joyce @ Natural Bliss Podcast Blog
Joy @ Bean Post Farmstead
Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard


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  1. I love the fact that as the nights draw in I can spend some time reflecting on what went well and how I can try and improve things on my smallholding over the coming year(s). You have also reminded me that I need to get the mower serviced before I forget!

  2. I love to make plans for next year’s garden in the fall. I think of great ideas out there while I am harvesting or moving the chickens around on the spent beds! However, you are right, if I don’t write them down – I will surely forget!

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