sustainable lifestyle

3 Easy Tips Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle

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Living a sustainable lifestyle is choosing to make changes in your lifestyle to reduce the negative impact you have on the environment and ultimately on the planet!

In a previous post of ours on What Is Sustainable Living, we mentioned that it is wise to make changes towards a sustainable lifestyle in small steps.

Additional Essential Homestead Resources
Medicinal Garden Kit - Grow medicine in your garden! A collection of seeds to get you started.
Homesteaders Handbook - A printed book that covers all the basics for homesteaders.
The Self-Sufficient Backyard - This book is an excellent resource for self-sufficiency on 1/4 acre!
Into The Wild Survival Pack - Learn foundational survival skills every homesteader should know!

That is what we are going to do here! These are 3 easy steps you can take to make small changes in your lifestyle, but will have a large impact on the environment!

Tip 1 Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle

Swop out the light bulbs in your house or apartment. Change your traditional incandescent light bulbs to energy saving (CFL) lightbulbs. The CFL lightbulbs can use up to 70% less energy than incandescent bulbs. The CFL bulbs also have a longer lifespan. This tip does not only save the environment due to less energy demand, but also saves you money!

As a novel idea, why not install a gravity powered light in rooms that do not require long duration lighting, such as the toilet or bathroom. This energy is totally free, and it automatically switches off after 20 minutes!

For security around your home, install an LED solar motion light. This saves on your electricity needs and saves the battery in the light by only turning on when motion is detected.

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Tip 2 Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle

Change your mindset and implement the 3 R’s of a sustainable lifestyle, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Reduce the amount of single use products you buy. When things break, try to repair them rather than just buy a new one. This applies particularly to electric and electronic goods that are poisoning our landfills. It is rewarding to fix something with your own two hands. If you cannot do it yourself, go to a repairman. It is sometimes cheaper to repair than replace.

Reuse, or re-purpose items that are considered single use, or throw away items. Exercise your imagination, and if that fails, use Google, to find innovative ways of reusing throw away products and containers. You will be surprised how many things can be re-purposed to perform a function they were not originally intended for.

Recycle your throw away items. Glass and plastics are the big ticket items here. If they are not recycled, these products end up in landfills. The irony is, they are easily recycled by industry, but the labour costs to separate them from our garbage makes it an impractical undertaking. If we do the sorting at home, recycling becomes a viable proposition for the manufacturing companies.

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Tip 3 Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle

Use natural or organic cleaners in your home. Once again this is a small step to make and an easy one. All it takes is to do a little research about natural products that can clean just as well as the caustic chemicals in commercially manufactured products. For example, water and vinegar makes an excellent surface cleaner. The less harsh chemicals we use in our homes, the healthier it is for us. It is also healthier for the environment as it prevents dangerous and often toxic chemicals from entering the water system and polluting this precious resource.

The chemicals used in commercial cleaning products can stay in the environment for years, polluting it for generations to come.


It is not difficult to become proactive and take some small steps towards a sustainable lifestyle. The steps mentioned above will not take too much time from your normal routine, but will have a positive impact on the environment.

I hope you will try out some of these tips and Let Your Lifestyle Heal The Planet!

A Green and Rosie Life

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