Thankful On The Homestead

7 Reasons To Be Thankful On The Homestead

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During this season, our American cousins celebrate Thanksgiving. While this is not part of my culture or tradition, I think the sentiment of taking time out to think about what you are grateful for is a good for you. Hence, I will celebrate Thanksgiving with my fellow homesteaders in the USA with 7 reasons to be thankful on the homestead!

When we take the time to hit the pause button on our busy schedules and start to think about our blessings, we discover that there is a lot more to be thankful for than to complain about.

Additional Essential Homestead Resources
Medicinal Garden Kit - Grow medicine in your garden! A collection of seeds to get you started.
Homesteaders Handbook - A printed book that covers all the basics for homesteaders.
The Self-Sufficient Backyard - This book is an excellent resource for self-sufficiency on 1/4 acre!
Into The Wild Survival Pack - Learn foundational survival skills every homesteader should know!

Being a homesteader, most of my reasons for being thankful are related to homesteading. While homesteading is hard work and you can get bogged down by your “To Do” list, it is an undertaking that is good for the soul! If you take the time now and then to stop and enjoy it!

Reason 1 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Working Outdoors

I love working outdoors! Homesteading gets me outside, working in the fresh air! I get to work with my hands as well as my brain. When I work outside, I am thankful I am not sitting behind a desk in artificial light! The climate where I live has pretty mild winters, so working outside, even in winter is not a hardship!

Reason 2 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Working With Nature

The homestead life provides interaction with nature everyday and nature never ceases to amaze me. Having previously worked as a safari guide in the African bush, I have a keen interest in all things living!

I take great joy in watching seedlings sprout and push their way out of the soil, reaching for the sun, or watching your animals grow and thrive as you give them the attention they need.

Working with nature comes with a frustrating side and sometimes sadness, when the plants and creatures that you labour over don’t make it! But this is life! It gives us an opportunity to learn, do better next time, and grow as human beings.

I am thankful to be able to work with nature – it is a reminder to me that we are the caretakers of this planet and whether it thrives or dies is in our hands! Let your lifestyle heal the planet!

Grow 50 Plants in 4 sq ft

Reason 3 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Grow Your Own Food

Growing my own food is important to me because I know how it is grown and taken care of. I try to grow my own food on the homestead as organically as possible. No chemicals, or pesticides that may not only harm me and my family, but also harm the environment.

It is not only the health issues that I like about growing my own food, but also the feeling of being productive and self reliant or self-sufficient! It is rewarding to know that what you have put on the table has been by the labour of your own hands!

I am thankful have the ability, resources and knowledge to be able to grow my own produce!

Reason 4 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Live A Healthier Lifestyle

I am thankful that, being a homesteader, I can life a healthier lifestyle. In this information age, more and more of the harmful farming practices used on commercial farms are coming to light.

I am grateful and thankful that I have the resources, capability and facility to produce my own food! Free of harmful chemicals, and rich in nutrition!

Thankful on the homestead

Reason 5 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Become Mindful Of The Environment

The longer I homestead, the more and more aware I become of the impact we have on our environment. Some of the impact we have is bad for the environment, but on the other hand, some of it is good.

As an example, I am a beekeeper. I see this as a positive impact on the environment, where the numbers of bees are declining due to the overuse of pesticides in commercial farming.

I am thankful that homesteading makes me more environmentally minded and to live with purpose to be a positive influence on my natural environment.

Reason 6 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Being Part Of A Community

The homesteading community world wide are generally a friendly bunch. We enjoy sharing our ideas and experiences with each other (and anyone else willing to listen). I have recently joined a group of like-minded people on Facebook. This has been an awesome experience as it allows me to connect with people from all over the world who face the same challenges as I do.

We encourage each other through the difficulties of homesteading and celebrate our achievements with each other. I am thankful to be a part of a community that are not judgmental but focus on encouragement!

Reason 7 To Be Thankful On The Homestead – Support Of Family

My last reason to be thankful on the homestead, is probably the most important, and the one I cherish the most! My wife is my greatest supporter and works alongside me to make our homesteading efforts successful. She is supportive of everything I do and gives encouragement and constructive feedback! I have two grown children, a son who is married but lives on the same property as us, and a daughter who still lives in our home as she is still studying. Our children are two of the nicest people we know and we are privileged to have them still be part of our lives.

They are a source of joy to Nikki (my wife) and I. They encourage us without judgement in our quest to become more self reliant an live a more sustainable healthy lifestyle! It is a good feeling to know you have family that have “got your back” and support your endeavours!

Tactical Bivvy

Other Thankful Bloggers

This post is part of a Thankful Loop post as part of the Natural Living Bloggers Helping Each Other Facebook Group.
Please click the links below to read other bloggers “Thankful” posts within the loop. You will give them another reason to be thankful!

Oakhill Homestead



The Green Acre Homestead

Stone Family Farmstead

15 Acre Homestead

Homegrown Self Reliance

Heavenly Bodies

Thankful on the homestead


Thankful on the homestead

7 Reasons To Be Thankful On The Homestead

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    1. Thanks Rosie! Taking time periodically to reflect on our blessings is good for us, particularly if going through a tough time! It gives perspective!

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